A image of the remote control and the related button function is on pages 15 and 16 of the manual
Where do I find the Manual for the the JVC LT-40C860 TV?
The manual for this TV can be found
Is there a Power on/Power off switch on the TV?
This TV will power on as soon as plugged in and will enter standby mode. To turn the TV on use the remote control or push in and hold the multifunction button which is located at the back of the TV, towards the bottom of the left hand side.
Re-Setting the JVC LT-40C860 TV:
To re-set this tv, follow the steps below:
- Press the MENU button to go to the MAIN menu. Press the arrow buttons to select INSTALL AND RETUNE and then press the OK button.
- Press the arrow buttons to select FIRST TIME INSTALLATION and then press the OK button. Press the arrow button to select ‘Yes’ to reset the tv to factory settings.
- The tv will reset and will show the first time installation menu