So you’ve just unpacked your new Windows 10 Computer and are not quite sure what will happen when you click the power button? The screenshots below will guide you through the setup process of you new Winodows 10 computer.
Please note that Microsoft, between new Versions of Windows 10, sometimes changes the look of those screens and the options offered. Just check the text carefully and it will, at least most of the time, be clear what you ned to do or select.
Below is the first screen you will see:
Check that Windows has highlighted the correct country, if not make a country selection and then click ‘Yes’. This will bring you to the second screen where you select the keyboard language:
as before check and make the selection and click ‘Yes’. Windows will then check if you want to add any additional keyboards:
Here you can add an additional keyboard layout or just click on ‘Skip’ if you don’t need this. You also can add additional keyboards to Windows 10 after you have completed the setup. The next screen is important if you want to set your computer up with a local account:
Once you are online, Windows 10 will NOT allow you to set your computer up using a local account, it will force you to use a Microsoft account instead. So, to use a local account make sure you click on ‘I don’t have Internet‘ in the bottom left of that screen, but be prepared to have a little argument with Microsoft about this on the next screen:
Microsoft really would like you to set your new computer up with a Microsoft account, so it tries to persuade you. If you don’t want to do this, ignore the shiny large button on the right, and instead click on ‘Continue with limited setup‘ on the left. Even in the wording is another attempt to persuade you to do differently.
Here now is a lot of reading for you: Microsoft’s Windows 10 Licence Agreement. You can read it if you like, or you can just click the ‘Accept’ button – if you don’t accept then you can’t use Windows 10.
Here you need to enter a name for your user account. This can be your personal name or it can be something generic as in ‘User’ or ‘Laptop’ …. absolutely your choice.
On the screen above, Windows 10 invites you to enter a password. It is recommended to use a strong password, which should not be a dictionary word as they sometimes can easily be guessed. A random set of letters, numbers and symbols is recommended, but make sure you remember it. Windows doesn’t tell you, but for those who are not security conscious, the password field can be left blank to set the computer up without a password.
The next 10 screens are choices to be made an these choices concern functionality and privacy. read the text on each screen and select the relevant answer based on your own choice.
Once you have done this, Windows 10 will do some background work, which, as the screen informs you, might take a few minutes.
And when you see the screen below your new computer is ready to use – and remember, you have earlier chosen to not go online, so this is, for many people, the first thing to do – lick on the ‘World’ icon on the bottom right of the screen, select your Wifi Network and enter the password for it.
As mentioned above, Microsoft, between new Versions of Windows 10, sometimes changes the look of those screens and the options offered, so don’t get scared or confused when something looks slightly different. Check the text carefully and it will, at least most of the time, be clear what you ned to do or select.